Why another cooking blog?

I decided to create this blog as a way for family and friends to see what I'm cooking and to share interesting food related tidbits I come across.
I'm frequently asked for recipes so I thought this would be a good place to start collecting the old, new, and funky recipes that I have.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Not too surprising

Americans eat too much salt. This is according to an article I read on CNN.
"Nine out of ten Americans eat too much salt each day."

I personally do not find this suprising at all. I believe that we confuse salt with added flavor.

"The CDC found that 10 types of foods accounted for more than 40% of the sodium people consumed. They are:
1) Breads and rolls
2) Deli lunch meats
3) Pizza
4) Poultry
5) Soups
6) Cheeseburgers and other sandwiches
7) Cheese
8) Pasta mixed dishes
9) Meat mixed dishes
10) Snack foods such as pretzels, potato chips and popcorn
Even though some of these foods are not high in sodium, eating multiple servings raises our salt levels.
On average, adults in the United States eat more than 3,300 milligrams of salt daily. And for many this is twice the amount experts suggest."

Seems like this list includes a lot of processed foods. Am I Shocked? No. I firmly believe the more unprocessed foods you eat the better.

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